No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Deborah S. Olin JD - G.A.L - Professional Judge Shopper

- The whole (Deborah S. Olin) family has serious anger/alcohol issues,using people…..yes Narcissism w/ a Cap N!

-She (Deborah S. Olin) married a Court Security Guy. Nice shaved headman named PJ.
(Authur - That would explain why she always gets so close to the Fathers in Child Custody cases and distroys Mothers lives.)

-Why she never had kids ..not going to question it, but I am concerned about her niece Hannah.

We published this Article in MGBB & thought to share some of the
Emails received in regards of:
Deborah S. Olin JD - G.A.L - Professional Judge Shopper
Join us for class act against Deborah S. Olin - G.A.L Arlington, Fairfax County Courts
Fit-Loving-NonOffending-Mothers-Abused-By-Judges in Northern Virginia courtrooms would like to hear from more victims of lawyer and guardian ad litem Deborah S. Olin. Please email
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 17:38:43 -0700>
From:> Subject: Deborah S. Olin>

Hi I'm ……, and I'm a bit blown away by this (Article) on Deborah S. Olin. It
does not surprise me.
Meanwhile all kinds of other Olin family funk that just keeps turning up..The whole family has serious anger/alcohol issues,using people…..yes Narcissism w/ a Cap N!

Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:09:44 -0700 Subject: Deborah S. Olin
She had been married once...and her latest ex/or?
She married a Court Security Guy.
Nice shaved headman named PJ.
He too probably has a story or 2.unless you already found him?Why she never had kids ..not going to question it, but I am concerned about her niece Hannah

Sent: Friday 05/08/09 10:27 PM
Subject: Deborah S. Olin

Can you tell me more about this suit? I've had problems but I need to be careful about any info getting out to her. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Delegate Phil Hamilton should immediately resign his House of Delegates seat.

Ranking GOP leaders formally requested an ethics investigation into the actions of Newport News Republican Del. Phillip Hamilton on Monday in the face of growing outcry about the influential legislator's $40,000-a-year job at Old Dominion University.
House Speaker William J. Howell called for a state inquiry the same day that Democrats Creigh Deeds and Jody Wagner - candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, respectively - said Hamilton should immediately resign his House of Delegates seat.
Later Monday, Republicans Bob McDonnell, who is running for governor, and Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling issued similar statements indicating that it seems best for Hamilton to resign, given the circumstances.
Late Monday night, Hamilton continued to resist calls for his resignation, and he voiced his support for an ethics panel to examine his actions.
Last week, ODU released e-mails showing that Hamilton secured $500,000 a year in state funding for ODU's Center for Teacher Quality and Educational Leadership while asking for a job for himself. He and university leaders agreed last week to end his employment.
In a statement, Howell said, "It is important to me and the citizens in whose name all delegates serve to know whether Delegate Hamilton's activities in this matter were legal and in keeping with expected standards of conduct for lawmakers." Howell, a Stafford County Republican, also noted in the statement that other House leaders support that position.
Virginia's conflict-of-interest law bars lawmakers from accepting money for services performed within the scope of their legislative duties. Violation is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.
Any formal request for an ethics inquiry of a state delegate triggers a review by a five-member House ethics advisory panel, which can forward its findings to the attorney general for possible prosecution. Ordinarily, such reviews are confidential.
House Minority Leader Ward Armstrong, D-Henry, urged Republican leaders to have a committee of legislators conduct a public investigation instead.
Full Story here

The Role of the Guardian Ad Litem

The Role of the Guardian Ad Litem
in Custody Cases
by Cheshire I’Anson Eveleigh and Mona S. Flax

As family law practitioners who try custody cases, we found inconsistencies in the role of guardians ad litem after interviewing family law practitioners throughout the Commonwealth and in other jurisdictions.
This was not a scientific sampling, but an overview to illustrate the need for standardization
of the gaurdian’s role.
The role of the guardian differs greatly across the Commonwealth. This article is
designed to address issues facing guardians as they struggle with defining their role and to make our suggestions on how the role of the guardian can be better defined.
The court recognizes guardians ad litem as officers of the courtand expects all to adhere to the standards set forth above. Thecourt reserves the right to remove and/or suspend guardians fromthe list as appropriate and will take into account the guidelinesand guardian’s compliance therewith in making such decisions.
1 - Appointment of the Guardian Ad Litem
2 - The Pre-interview and Interview Processing
3 - The Home Visit
4 - Interview of Collateral Sources
5 - The Requirement of a Written Report
6 - The Necessity for Written Standards
7 - General Guardian Ad Litem Standards
8 - Enforcement of the Guardian Ad Litem Guidelines
9 - The Court’s Role
10-Guidelines and Standards from Outside the Commonwealth

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Albo Must Go.........

Delegate Dave Albo (R)

Fairfax and chairman of the House Courts of Justice Committee

Recently, Del. Dave Albo, Chair of the Courts of Justice Committee, was interviewed regarding a dispute over a Circuit Court Judgeship in the mostly Republican jurisdiction of Virginia Beach. In that article he was quoted as follows:

Del. Dave Albo, R-Fairfax and chairman of the House Courts of Justice Committee, said that "we pretty much let the local delegation decide" about the appointment of local judges."Portsmouth judge's reappointment could be in jeopardy," Virginia Pilot, Jan. 17,

2007We at Albo Must Go found this statement interesting. It was only two years ago that Del. Dave Albo personally intervened in the appointment of a Circuit Court judge in the City of Alexandria, overrulled the local delegation and tried to put his friend on the bench. What did Del. Dave Albo say back then?

"We believe it's our prerogative to select who we want, in spite of the local delegation's wishes," said Del. David B. Albo (R-Fairfax), a member of the House Courts of Justice Committee, which takes part in selecting judges.

He wasinstrumental in choosing Fairfax lawyer Timothy Battle to be the House Republicans' nominee."House, Senate Part Ways on Court Seat," Washington Post, Metro, B6, March 6, 2004.
Not one Democrat who is complaining now ever stood up when we were the minority and said that the system they used was unfair," said Del. David B. Albo (R-Fairfax), who has consistently said that it is his party's responsibility to have direct influence on judicial nominations, particularly in districts such as Alexandria that have Democratic majorities."Warner Makes New Pick for Circuit Court," Washington Post, Metro, B1 (June 8, 2004)Del. Dave Albo loves to wields power for the sake of maximizing his own power - not doing things in the best interest of the people. Whether it means voting to inflict political payback by keeping a well-respected moderate Republican education expert off William & Mary's Board of Trustees for endorsing a Democrat (retired Republican Delegate Jim Dillard) or keeping a labor community leader out of a cabinet appointment, Del. Dave Albo rationalizes abusing his own power to maximize he and the Republican Party's own partisan ends.Why doesn't the press ever mention this blatant hypocrisy in their reporting?
Posted by George Mason at 1/19/2007 05:02:00 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Immoral Judgement by Judge Bruce D. White - Washington Post


Full Story here
Another Immoral Judgment by:
Merciless, Hardhearted Fairfax County Judge Bruce D. White
Drunk Driver Gets 15 Years For Fatal Wrong-Way Crash

The sentence for Alfredo Martinez Rivera, 31, was imposed by FairfaxCircuit Court Judge Bruce D. White and was one of the stiffest penalties imposed in Fairfax for a traffic death in many years,

involuntary manslaughter…. Virginia's voluntary sentencing guidelines recommended a range of three to nine years in prison.


Another Immoral Judgement by Judge Bruce D. White - Washington Post

Article from: The Washington Post
Article date: March 7, 2009
Tom Jackman - Washington Post Staff Writer

Another Immoral Judgment by:
Merciless, Hardhearted Fairfax County Judge Bruce D. White
Drunk Driver Gets 15 Years For Fatal Wrong-Way Crash

The sentence for Alfredo Martinez Rivera, 31, was imposed by Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Bruce D. White and was one of the stiffest penalties imposed in Fairfax for a traffic death in many years,
involuntary manslaughter…. Virginia's voluntary sentencing guidelines recommended a range of three to nine years in prison
. Full Story here.

Wrongly convicted Norfolk man to get $633,000 from Va.

Comes from Virginia lawmakers who ushered legislation through the General Assembly's one-day special session Wednesday.
about $633,000 that legislators agreed to award him in Wednesday's special session in compensation for his wrongful imprisonment.

Judge Sharon Keller is charged with professional misconduct.

Judge Sharon Keller is charged with professional misconduct.

Investigating Judge Keller
New York Times

Sharon Keller, a Texas appellate court judge, made headlines in 2007 when she was reported to have ordered the court clerk’s office to close promptly at 5 p.m., preventing a death-row inmate from filing an emergency appeal. The inmate was executed. A Texas legislator is now trying to impeach Judge Keller for dereliction of duty in that case. A legislative inquiry is long overdue. more............

Also on BBC News

Tuesday, 18 August 2009 07:38 UK

US judge 'ignored death row plea'

Judge Sharon Keller is charged with professional misconduct.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Americans Murdering Their Judges, and the US Crisis of Judicial Corruption

Thanks to progressive national radio host Thom Hartmann of the USA, for calling this article "brilliant", and to the reform group JAIL 4 Judges for saying this article was "the best and most inclusive article we have found written on the subject of the cover-up of judicial corruption."

Americans Murdering Their Judges, and the US Crisis of Judicial Corruption
by Dr Les Sachs (Dr Leslie Sachs)

In the headlines are the appalling news stories of Americans carrying out murderous attacks on judges and their families. In a matter of days, one judge was shot and killed in his own courtroom, while another judge had family members brutally murdered in their home.These news stories are, however, related to another news story, which is the most taboo subject of the American media - the expanding crisis of corruption among American judges and lawyers. At question is whether the deepening despair of Americans about their own legal system, is fueling some of these violent attacks on judges.Much is written now about how America's economy is resembling that of a banana republic, given how America is sunk in preposterous debt, and how the US dollar currency is sinking toward a possible collapse in the near future.
But there is another way that America is also like a banana republic, in that its legal system - contrary to its Hollywood image - has become a sinkwell of secret proceedings, the jailing of the innocent, and political misconduct; and how it is sullied with documented corruption, fake trials and court fraud.These facts are not generally understood, because of how judicial corruption is the most un-reported news story in the American landscape. It is the category of news story which America's newspapers and media are most afraid to report, even when clear proof is in their hands.
In America right now, judges - and lawyers who are protected by judges - can commit felony crimes in broad delight, leave the proof lying around, and yet avoid being prosecuted or even having their crimes be reported by the media. The people who work in the media see a lot of material on court misconduct, and yet they know this is the story of which they dare not speak.
The lack of media coverage, in turn, encourages more judicial corruption, leaving millions of Americans in anger and despair.Confronting the secrets of US judicial corruption, is a key to understanding America's whole social crisis, and its role in the world right now. Here are some elements of this situation that you won't see in run-of-the-mill news reports:
The innocent in USA courts: imprisoned, sentenced to death, losing all they have. The key statistic to understanding America, is that it has over 2.2 million prisoners (!) out of about 300 million people. This is 25 per cent of all the prisoners, anywhere, in the entire world. By comparison, the most populous nation, China, with about 1.3 billion people, only has a few hundred thousand prisoners, despite being denounced by the USA as a "repressive" country.1 out of every 45 working-age males (that is, not counting children or the elderly) is BEHIND BARS in the United States. With working-age black males, the figures are about 1 out of 20.
This is the stuff of revolution.With so many Americans in jail right now, and many more having been to jail or on the way, the USA now has the world's biggest gulag. The United States of America is a giant machine for jailing people and making them afraid.
With 2.2 million prisoners, America can be very casual about who it throws into prison. Estimates are that at least 5 per cent, or over 100,000 of these prisoners, are completely innocent. This is well shown by the fact that over 100 of the smaller group of prisoners who have recently been on death row in America - actually sentenced to be executed - have recently been freed, innocent of the crime for which they were convicted.
As it is so easy to railroad innocent people in America on capital murder charges, which have mandatory appeals, it is even easier to railroad people on lesser criminal charges, or in malicious lawsuits where victims lose all their money and property.
With judges and lawyers making so many mistakes, sending so many innocent people to prison, and wrecking so many lives with lawsuits, the drive to cover-up for judicial mistakes becomes obsessive.
The US legal system cannot function without a cover-up. But a cover-up of judicial misconduct, becomes an invitation for corruption and bribery and more misconduct, and this vicious cycle keeps escalating.
In America's unique political landscape, the lawyers and judges have supreme power, both over themselves and over the political process. With the American theory of the "supreme" judiciary that is supposedly "independent" of politics, the recipe is there for a kind of "Praetorian Guard" mentality like in ancient Rome.
In imperial Rome, the small army of the "Praetorian Guard" theoretically protected the emperor. But as the Praetorian Guard realized its power, they were able to become a law unto themselves, controlling the empire, even dictating to the emperor, and covering up for any of their own misdeeds.
This is the role of the judges in America right now.
America needs its judges to keep order over its own far-flung empire. America's corporate rulers fear to expose the misconduct of judges, lest this empire start unraveling.Since the judges are "supreme" in America, if people realise the judges are crooked, a revolution would be at hand.US Judges as Goons for the Big CorporationsIn United States regime, most major aspects of public life are now under the control of the US-based multi-national corporations, who have effectively and openly bought and paid for everything in the American "system":
- The corporations own most US politicians, including both of the two tweedledee-tweedledum "political parties", given that both the "Democrat" and "Republican" parties, and nearly all the politicians, get their funding from the same US corporate interests, despite a little bit of pretending to be different;-
The corporations own all the major US media companies, who control what "news" most people see and read;- The corporations effectively control most of the well-known "non-profit organisations", who also depend on the large corporate or corporate-backed "donations" for their existence and income;- The corporations own the US elections, determining who is allowed by the media to be a "major candidate", and the corporations even manufacture the easily-hijackable "voting machines" that "count the votes" for people- And the corporations, above all, own the US lawyers and judges, via the corporate money and bribes that flow in the billions of dollars through US law firms, which is why they rarely lose cases among the "pro-business" US judges.
The judges enforce the "law", which in the United States means the Law of the Big Corporations. They win, the little guy (or girl) loses. That's what judges and lawyers call "The Game".
In exchange for controlling things for the benefit of the big corporations, US judges and lawyers are allowed to act like perverts with regard to the average person. They can lie, rob, cheat, steal, kill and destroy any mere average person or US citizen - that is what the judges and lawyers get, as their "reward" for running things for the benefit of the really rich people who are big shareholders in the big corporations.
America needs the myth of the "rule of law", the power of the judges, to keep control of the political situation. But the trade-off is that the judges have become a law unto themselves, and the judges and lawyers in America have built a machine that cannot be reversed by any power visible on the horizon, except some kind of revolution.US Media Control Hiding the Judges' Crimes.

The one power that the judges in America do worry about, is that of news media and publicity, either of the independent kind or from outside the United States.
Recently, the American Supreme Court judges decided in a close vote, to stop putting children to death, admitting they were influenced by world public opinion and international condemnation of this practice.
The news media in America - mostly owned by large corporations who own everything else - has a guilty conscience about all the evidence of judicial misconduct that flows regularly through their offices. The media do not report or investigate most of these stories, even when conclusive proof is plopped in their lap.
This is partly out of fear of revenge by the government and the judges, and partly out of a sense of a twisted theory of "patriotic duty". These media employees think that it is better to hide the dirty linen of the judges and courts, so as not to "upset the public" and "destabilise society". In other words, they know that the truth about the crooked US judges, is the stuff of revolution. But really, the situation is that the big media in the United States, is owned by the same big corporations who own the politicians and government, the same big corporations who pay the big law firms that bribe the judges so that the big companies almost always win their cases.
Most big corporations find themselves using American courts extensively, including the media companies. If any media company or US organisation were to independently "go after" some corrupt judges, and speak about judicial corruption, the fear is that the media company might well find itself being destroyed by the judges, as billions of dollars worth of lawsuits suddenly were "decided" against the corporation.

You may not believe this yet, but the fact is that the US judges operate like criminal gangs. They get together and pick a target, and they can decide to destroy that target if they feel it is a threat, either to themselves or to their paymasters at the big corporations.
Such terrors lurk in the back of the mind of independent and progressive journalists, perhaps even more than among the big corporate media. In America you never know whether you might find yourself arrested or sued on some trumped-up charge or accusation, if you dare to criticise the US legal system.
US journalists have been shot dead in the street, after daring to write a critical article about the judges. Just "coincidence", perhaps.Exposing a dishonest judge in America, can put you on a "black list" where no lawyer will protect you, even if you have lots of money to spend.
Experience shows, over and over again, that people in the US who try to fight judicial corruption simply cannot find lawyers for themselves, even if they have money - and even though many US lawyers are desperately unemployed and eager for money!It is still (somewhat) accepted in the US, that journalists can criticize the President and the administrative branches of government, or complain about legislators.
It is part of the function of politicians, like the President, to "take some political heat" up front, while the corporations run things behind the scenes.
However, it has become extremely taboo to say much about dishonest judges, even in the face of ice cold proof that judges are committing crimes.
You have proof of crimes by judges? Almost no journalist in the United States wants to talk with you. - That is the true reality of American life.Even though the news media in the USA are not owned by the government, they are not "independent" - far from it. The power of the judges extends to both direct and indirect control of media criticism.
Beyond the fear, there is also a feeling among USA media and lawyers and the government, that drastic and terrible calamities would occur if judicial corruption were really investigated and exposed.
As one US lawyer said, "If the American people found out how crooked the judges really are, the whole house of cards will start to crumble."People feel that faith in the courts - the Hollywood movie version of American "justice" - is what is holding the USA together.

The fear is this: If the American people start thinking that the courts are rigged, and that huge amounts of people in jail are innocent, then social chaos will be on the horizon, and America will unravel in a mass political revolution.So the US media, corrupted by corporate ownership, or afraid itself of revenge, pretends it is doing a kind of civic duty, to limit coverage of judicial corruption, to those few cases where the government itself has already decided to prosecute some wayward judge or lawyer.
Even in cases where US judges engage in absolutely blatant, open and publicly perverted misbehaviour - like the US judge who used a penis-pump on himself in his courtroom (quite true story) - the misbehaviour and crimes usually go on openly for several years, until the rogue judge finally offends some rich or politically powerful person, and the system finally slowsly takes action.America's FBI and Department of Justice collect files on judicial corruption like they collect files on everything else, but they hold back from acting, even in cases where they have clear enough evidence to bring an indictment in minutes.
The law enforcement agencies in America blow with the political winds, and in the absence of media attention, they will cover up for judges, whose help they require when they need to win convictions on flimsy evidence.
The judges who take bribes are gladly eager to help law enforcement railroad and convict innocent people. The mutual back-scratching of cops and judges is routine.
In the meantime, the anguish of millions of Americans is increasing: The 2.2 million prisoners and their families and loved ones; all those whose rights have been diminished, or their fortunes ruined; the increasing number of people forced to flee the USA to live in freedom and peace; all those living in fear in America, worried that they might be the next victim of the unfair American legal system.
The frustration of many people with American courts is building, a huge but hidden story in American life.Secrecy, gag orders, and the court files you will never seeAmerica is increasingly a closed society, with much of its legal activity carried on in secret.
And I'm not only talking about the secret detention of so many hundreds of detainees at overseas locations.
Even in America's domestic legal system, much of the important legal activity is secret and hidden.The illusion is that America is an "open" society, because there are 24 hour a day "news" channels on television, and because there are dozens of reporters and cameras outside the courthouses that are holding public-circus trials of a Martha Stewart or Michael Jackson or Paris Hilton.
But the gritty day-to-day reality of life in American courts, is that much of what really goes on, is secret, hidden, un-published, under gag order or a judge's ban on freedom of speech, or simply un-reported by the news media, even though the media knows it has something important which the American people would love to hear.
Much more than people realize, news of American court proceedings is blocked by gag orders, embargoed documents, and outright blatant and illegal bans on freedom of speech.
Though there are always some supposed higher purposes in these gag orders, a basic function of such gag orders is to hide the whole dirty process of how judges and lawyers do their work.
As judges and lawyers run the show, they are eager to use their powers to make sure that a lot of what they do is known only to themselves.
The biggest category of judicial secrecy, is the nationwide American curtain that hides complaints of misconduct about judges and lawyers.
Across the US, tens of thousands of complaints have been filed about misconduct by lawyers and judges. You can find many of them on the internet.
While some of these complaints are frivolous, and many of them are certainly emotional, a lot of these complaints are well-documented or have conclusive proof attached. But nearly all of these tens of thousands of complaints are non-published and secret, and almost nothing is done to act on these complaints, regardless of how valid or how well proven.America's secret files of judicial and lawyer misconduct, are a gold mine of information on the real dirty workings of the American legal system.
But alas, complaints about judges and lawyers are filed with - you guessed it - other judges and lawyers. These complaints are read and passed around very eagerly, as I have found by calling up judges' secretaries.
I have tracked complaints all the way up to the Supreme Court building and the Supreme Court "judicial ethics" panel that was appointed in 2004 by USA Chief Justice Rehnquist.The judges read the complaints about their fellow judges, they likely laugh and joke with each other about the people they have harmed, and perhaps quietly advise each other to behave less openly like lunatics in the future. But what the judges almost never do, is respond in any way to the complaint.
They don't answer, and they don't remedy the situation. They merely make some mental notes in case there is some publicity down the road.If there's no publicity, the judges feel they are home free.
The same goes with complaints about American lawyers to the local Bar which "regulates" lawyers, which typically just covers up for lawyer misconduct. Unless a judge is already mad at the lawyer, the local Bar will usually whitewash your complaints about a lawyer, even if you have written proof of a lawyer committing a felony crime.
People are surprised to learn that American judges often don't respond to some legal filings and complaints, and sometimes even to formal appeals. If you have expensive lawyers, and have political connections they will indeed probably answer. But otherwise, silence is common.
Poor people in America have been strapped to a table and put to death, while an appeal languished unanswered by the judges.
Fearful lawyers and fake trialsA few celebrity trials do, indeed, dominate the American news, with all sorts of tiny details gaining the headlines, like Michael Jackson said to be coming to court in his pyjamas. But hidden beyond the "detailed analysis" of the celebrity circus trials, are highly significant and heartbreaking stories of real trials, whose details you never learn.
You don't find out how someone's human rights were taken away, or how someone was railroaded on false charges, while media focuses on the latest "scoop" of some public circus legal proceeding.Americans who have not endured a court battle, have an entirely misleading sense of the legal system from two sources: (a) the celebrity circus trials and (b) fictional television shows and Hollywood movies. Yet the reality for most Americans in court, especially the poor and minorities, is something sadly different, far more sleazy and awful and sinister.
A key factor in life in America now, is the widespread moral collapse of the American legal profession.
America has about a million law school graduates, the most enormous gang of lawyers in the world. And 'gang ' is the right word.Though a core group of lawyers are wealthy, from the fees supplied by big corporations or from a few big lawsuits; many other lawyers are unemployed, desperate for work. American lawyers, as a whole, are in fear of rocking the boat or challenging the political system, lest they be cast out and put among the unemployed.US lawyers who challenge the government or try to expose corruption, will face losing their jobs, and may get cited on trumped up charges that can lead to the loss of their ability to practice law, financial destruction, or even criminal indictments.
The net result is that there are only a small handful of American lawyers now, who are willing to (very slightly) politically challenge the American government. But if you ask about lawyers who are willing to challenge corruption by other lawyers and judges, that handful of lawyers dwindles to almost complete zero.
Even unemployed and broke lawyers are afraid to confront judicial corruption for a paying client. The lawyers will privately explain it is "career suicide", and just too plain "dangerous", to try to confront dishonest judges and other lawyers.
The US human rights and civil liberties groups stay away from this area, too. - They don't want to lose their corporate funding, or suffer financial destruction at the hands of America's criminally vengeful judges in some bogus "lawsuit".The betrayal of clients by lawyers in the USA, is terrifyingly common.
An example is the army of "public defenders" that "represent" poor people as they get convicted and sent to prison. Some of these public defenders are brave and good people, at heart.But many of them are lazy and incompetent, like the lawyers known to be falling asleep and snoozing in court while their assigned clients are convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
These "public defender" lawyers are often paid out of government money. If they do not help the government. Even worse, however, are the all-too-common public defenders who actually help the government to stage fake trials against their own clients. these lawyers can be dropped from the register, lose their income, and be replaced by other lawyers more willing to be submissive.
Though such lawyers may pretend to be "helping" their clients, they often take another role, terrifying and intimidating their clients into accepting unfair plea bargains and prison terms, even when the clients are innocent.
Sometimes the "public defenders" really deserve to be imprisoned themselves. I am currently working on helping an innocent French citizen, Leonel Cazaco, who was sentenced to life in prison for a murder, even though someone else confessed to the crime.
At his trial, Mr Cazaco's "public defenders" knew that someone else had already confessed to the murder, but they hid these facts from the court record and from Mr Cazaco himself, to help the government win the conviction.
The French government has become active for Mr Cazaco, and his release is hoped for in the future.But US lawyers are often eager to betray and steal from clients, even when the clients are paying them. Lawyers will sell out and manipulate their clients, to benefit either the government, or the wealthier party that is paying them bribes.
This is something lawyers call "playing The Game".Actually, even very rich political people get robbed by their own lawyers, the lawyers pushing the wealthy people into needless legal cases, just so the lawyers can "milk" them for money. As long as some of the stolen money makes its way into the hands of the judges, even the rich victims usually cannot get redress against the lawyers who have robbed and defrauded them.
Some of America's rogue judges, intoxicated with their sense of unlimited and unrestrained power, get quite cocky about committing felony crimes in broad daylight, leaving a trail of written evidence and even posting it on the internet. It is remarkable what offences they can commit and still remain in office, unchallenged by either news media or law enforcement.
The fake US federal legal proceeding, that forced me to become a political refugee in Europe back in 2004, is one such set of open felony crimes. It is a well-known story now, with a US federal judge instantly banning my freedom of speech and then threatening to jail and murder me, while conducting a fake legal proceeding with the judge's friends posing both as my lawyers, and also as lawyers for a non-existent "first amendment civil rights charity foundation".The judge and his friends issued fake "court orders" claiming I "agreed" to the banning of my own freedom of speech for the rest of my life, "agreed" to the destruction of my media and publishing company, "agreed" to work for the rest of my life paying several hundred thousand dollars to the friends of the federal judge with the fake "Foundation", and "agreed" never to appeal all these illegal orders or the fraud of the fake "legal proceeding".- You can find more details at the website about me, and the central legal presentation in my 125-count 3 April 2004 US Appeals Court filing exposing the crimes of the US federal judges. - Needless to say, the US judges never answered my court filing - My court filing was too crisp and precise, too well-supported by proof documents, about the crimes the US federal judges had committed, so the US judges don't dare to reply.
Before the US government gangsters moved in to jail and murder me, and I was forced to escape to Europe to save my life, I did everything I could to find a US lawyer to help me. Specifically so I could find a lawyer, in my final months in the US, I got myself hired into a $150,000 per year job, just so I could afford good lawyers.I had thought, with so much written proof in my hands of judicial corruption, I would be able to find some brave lawyer to expose all these blatant crimes.
I thought I would win back my freedom and strike a blow for justice, just like in some Hollywood movie.I contacted thousands of lawyers, but no lawyer was willing to help me, even though I could pay them well. The lawyers agreed that I had total proof of judicial corruption and felony crime, and they lusted after my money.But, as the US lawyers explained to me, there is no way to "fight a crooked judge that's backed by the Bush government".
The lawyers were too frightened for their own safety, to risk trying to defend me against a malicious federal judge and his friends. Meanwhile, the judge's friends began to close in on me, demanding extortion money and ready to carry out their threats to jail and murder me.
Thankfully, I escaped from America, the fake and phoney "land of freedom", and that's why you can read these words right now, written in my safe haven in Europe. And then, in 2007, more than three years after I took refuge in Europe, the US judges conducted a new fake "legal proceeding" just for the purpose of creating false media to slander me, and to try and ban my popular writings on US legal corruption, like this article you are reading now, banned by US judges who have served legal papers on Google.
One of the most moving documents I collected in the USA, was a heartfelt note from a gravely ill former Virginia judge, in danger of dying. She wrote to me to confess that Virginia judges, both state and federal, were utterly sunk in crime and bribery, and she correctly predicted that no lawyer would have the courage to help me, despite my proof of judicial corruption.
She herself was scared to help me, thinking that the stress would kill her if she got up from her sickbed to try and fight for me.With these recent deplorable acts of murderous violence against judges and their families, I can see that the instinct of American judges will be to deepen the cover up of judicial misconduct, as if quashing the news and truth about themselves will make them safer. Hence the new 2007 US fake trial to try and ban my freedom of speech all over again, more than three years after I took refuge in Europe.A better course would be to move toward a more transparent judicial process, with complaints out in the public and posted on the internet, and with the public impeachment and prosecution of the more notorious rogue judges. Americans today need some hope that there is justice at the end of the struggle, and not just a stone wall of corruption and despair.But that is not happening, as the corporate forces of the US regime unite to attack any significant movement at judicial reform, and most especially the laudably-named JAIL 4 Judges. - The United States needs a return to real democracy and the values of the Bill of Rights, but it seems that in the face of judicial corruption, it is only a major revolution that can end these crimes of horror in which Americans now find themselves.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lawyers suggest changes in Virginia’s judicial-selection process

Lawyers suggest changes in Virginia’s judicial-selection process
Published: June 7, 2009
Several area lawyers agree that Virginia's method for selecting judges is preferable to a general election, but they suggest there still is room for improvement.
Judges in Virginia are elected by state lawmakers. But that process should be reviewed, said Louisa County Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Rusty McGuire, because a candidate's political loyalty sometimes is given greater weight than his or her experience.
McGuire, who is seeking the Republican nomination in the 55th House of Delegates District, said he has seen judges selected who did not have a background in the type of law they were to preside over.
Richmond criminal-defense attorney Steven Benjamin said judicial selection should be as far removed from politics as possible, and that the process would benefit from greater transparency. He said it might be better to entrust selection to an independent commission.
David P. Baugh, a defense lawyer with the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission, suggested it might be best if judges were appointed for life terms, putting them beyond the politics of the re-election process.
"We shouldn't have the legislature second-guessing the discretion of the judiciary," Baugh said. "If they disagree with a judge's logic, then they should become a judge."
McGuire, Benjamin and Baugh agreed that a general election would be an inferior system. It would allow the public to vote a judge off the bench for making a decision that is unpopular but nonetheless the right one, McGuire said.
In Virginia, the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission reviews reports of judicial misconduct, but these investigations are conducted in secret.
McGuire said that is a good thing: The public airing of a frivolous complaint against a judge could prompt the public to unfairly question every other ruling the judge makes.
Benjamin disagreed. "The best antidote to a frivolous complaint is the truth and a public airing," he said, adding: "We do a very bad job of notifying the public about complaints."
Baugh said he has filed complaints about judges to the review commission but received no response, which made him wonder whether members of the commission are "just going through the motions."
"When I get no response, I don't know if they even made any inquiry," Baugh said. "It gives me a sense of futility."

MORE:• Openness, input urged in choosing judgesLawyers suggest changes in judicial-selection processHow states pick judgesVIRGINIA'S COURT SYSTEMIt includes several levels of courts. The geographic scope of judicial districts varies depending on population. Supreme Court : seven justices who serve 12-year terms Court of Appeals : 11 judges who serve eight-year terms Circuit courts in 31 circuits: 157 judges who serve eight-year terms General district courts in 32 districts Juvenile and domestic relations courts in 32 districts DEMOGRAPHICSThere are 414 active judges in Virginia. Here is the breakdown by race and gender.White: 367 Black: 47 Men: 325 Women: 89 SOURCE: Supreme Court of VirginiaINFORMATION ON JUDGES• Find out when a judge is up for re-electionTrack cases and conviction ratesIf you want to lodge a complaint against a judge, contact the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission. "Don't Bother... They totally ignore your Complaint" - The mailing address is P.O. Box 367, Richmond, Va. 23218-0367. • For further information, call (804) 786-6636. All complaints must be in writing, addressed to the commission and signed by the complainant. The writer should include the name of the judge, a detailed description of the judge's alleged misconduct or disability, the names of any witnesses and the writer's address and telephone number. The commission does not accept fax or e-mail complaints.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Discharge Bias Judges in State of Virginia

Posted on Now

Virginia Family Courts corruptions
Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun……..

Devorced From Justice
Endangering children, punishing women.The situation of family courts endangering children and punishing women must be exposed in the media. State and national policymakers in all three branches of government and other allies must be advised of the problem of family courts placing children in the unsupervised custody of abusive parents, and be told that this is happening with alarming frequency. -Dr. Hannah

Reveal your Corrupted Judges, Join us and confront your Judge at Judicial Interviews of 2009 this fall.

DEAR AGGRIEVED MOTHERS 8888 Join the campaign, this fall and every fall, for the leverage you need to force the respect you don’t get and the fair rulings you are due. -VW-

Virginian Mothers abused by corrupted Judges, Last December in Judicial Interviews……. Fairfax County, Northern Virginia Judge Gaylord L. Finch Jr.was confronted by local Moms Casted out.

Unfortunately, there are other unmerited Judges in State of Virginia, who are endangering our Children’s lives & we are strongly believe, they should be removed from the bench immediately.

David B. Albo

Virginia House of Delegates
FIRING JUDGES IS HIS JOB ... >>“I would believe anything I read in a blog,” Del. Albo answered Ms. A.R. who wrote, “Dear Dave…I am DEEPLY disturbed by the blog I am reading about unlawful treatment of good mothers.
Dear Mr. Albo,
I am writing you because I understand your role in the Virginia judicial selection process and the responsibility that is yours for protecting the rights of citizen-consumers of legal services by appointing good people to the bench.
Virginia Judges have had.......
Dear Mr. Albo;
I have a question please;
What happens when a Judge violates “VA Canons of Judicial Conduct”?
Based On Canon 3 – D - 1
Disciplinary Responsibilities.
1. A judge who receives reliable information indicating a substantial likelihood that another judge has committed a violation of these Canons should take appropriate action. A judge having knowledge that another judge has committed a violation of these Canons that raises a substantial question as to the other judge's fitness for office should inform the Judicial Inquiry an d Review Commission.

Mr.David B. Albo
Virginia House of Delegates
Virginian Mothers battered by corrupted Judicial System in State of Virginia are demanding Immediate investigation against Bias & corrupted Judges, G.A.L s & custody evaluators listed below:

Corrupted Guardian Ad-Litems like:
Deborah S Olin
Paul Dryer

Dangerous Child custody Evaluators like:
William B. Zuckerman

Contact us & Share the story of your painful experience with Virginia’s Corrupted judicial system.

Here are your resources:

The Pitchfork Rebellion

Misconduct in Virginia Family Courts

Judicial Corruption

Comments for this post in "Now"
hayward (not verified)
at 07:59 on August 6th, 2009

Great post! I can't wait to see you all in Richmond. Also to the people having the unfortunate experience of ending up in the Stafford County J&DR beware of Judge Gerald F. Daltan, Judge Martin Bass, Judge Gordon Wills and attorney/sub judge Tandy Rinehart Liebowitz and GAL Shana Gertner. Although I have no experience in dealing with "Judicial Solutions", a mediation establishment, they have hired on retired
judge Ann Hunter Simpson. Her only judicial solution is to remove mothers from the lives of their children as she did to my daughter during my divorce. She was actually named in the property settlement agreement like she was a piece of the property going to my ex husband.

Suing Dr. William Bill Zuckerman - Fairfax, VA

Defective and Dangerous Doctor
William B. Zuckerman, the child custody evaluator, is unsafe for women and children in post separation custody litigation when family abuse is a factor. This PhD has a history of identifying with and aligning with fathers who are abusive, violent, and dangerously controlling men, narcissists, and sociopaths. Furthermore, his testimony can be bought. Zuckerman is not a good person. He is without conscience. And he appears to suffer from Tic Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive tendencies. More information is found at the Mommy Go Bye-Bye blog...
Suing Dr. William Bill Zuckerman - Fairfax, VA for withholding Psycological Test Data - Call: 703-748-0072
I was never able to collect all of my psychological test data from Dr. William Zuckerman. I began trying nearly nine years ago. He refused then to release my psychological test data by stating that he could not provide me with the data because he was ethically precluded from doing so. Did you have a similar experience with this particular psychologist? I would like to speak with other mothers in the same boat. Please call me, VW at 703.748.0072, if you were unable to see or copy your psychological test data because Dr. William Zuckerman withheld from you those records.