No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The idea of "justice" is a mockery in the VA JDR courts

Everything I have seen is backdoor dealings and rulings made on the spot with no investigation or real oversight as to the impact of those rulings on people's lives.
I am a mother in Charlottesville, VA. I have been in the Charlottesville
JRD courts over custody of my children for 16 years.

As far as i have
witnessed the idea of "justice" is a mockery in the VA JDR courts.

 I might have gotten a more unbiased decision if I had asked a random person
on the street what their opinion was.

Everything I have seen is backdoor
dealings and rulings made on the spot with no investigation or real
oversight as to the impact of those rulings on people's lives.

Please tell me how to gain some sort of justice after nearly two decades of
struggle and misery inflicted on myself and my family by the system that
was supposed to provide protection and relief.
Waunema Kelley