No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Judge Esther Wiggins (JDR Arlington): Deriving Pleasure from the Pain of children and their Mothers

Judge Wiggins: Deriving Pleasure from the Pain of Children & their Mothers,”...............
Opposition to Reappointment of Judge Esther Wiggins (JDR Arlington)

 December 20, 2010 - Roy Morris letter to
Members of Senate Committee for Courts of Justice
and the House Judicial Panel
c/o Mary Kate Felch, Senior Research Associate
Judicial Election Process Administrator
Virginia Division of Legislative Services
Find Complete letter -  link below
Re: Denial of Rappointment of JDR Judge Wiggins

opposing the reappointment of Arlington JDR Judge Esther Wiggins with additional1 specific transcripts from hearings before Judge Esther Wiggins, recent local newspaperWiggins-COJ-19 through 26]2, corrections to some of
As pointed out in my remarks, Judge Wiggin’s cases completely eliminating the mother from the child’s life. Her genocide approach to natural mothers is systematic, and
was followed in the well-publicized cases of Naomi Parrish, Nancy Hey, Benita Washington, and Dr. Ariel King.

Thank you for the privilege of speaking at the annual Judicial Interviews in Richmond on December 10,
2010 before the Courts of Justice Committees of the Senate and the House.
As the Committees requested, I am supplementing my remarks
supporting documentation, articles publicizing the problems caused by Judge Wiggins [
the misstatements of Judge Wiggins in her answers before the Committee, and documentation of the damages caused by the serious failures and misdeeds of Judge Wiggins – namely one seriously ill seven year old child, and
the destruction of her family in her JDR Court (even though the husband and wife remain married to this day)..