No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Deborah S. Olin JD - G.A.L - Professional Judge Shopper

- The whole (Deborah S. Olin) family has serious anger/alcohol issues,using people…..yes Narcissism w/ a Cap N!

-She (Deborah S. Olin) married a Court Security Guy. Nice shaved headman named PJ.
(Authur - That would explain why she always gets so close to the Fathers in Child Custody cases and distroys Mothers lives.)

-Why she never had kids ..not going to question it, but I am concerned about her niece Hannah.

We published this Article in MGBB & thought to share some of the
Emails received in regards of:
Deborah S. Olin JD - G.A.L - Professional Judge Shopper
Join us for class act against Deborah S. Olin - G.A.L Arlington, Fairfax County Courts
Fit-Loving-NonOffending-Mothers-Abused-By-Judges in Northern Virginia courtrooms would like to hear from more victims of lawyer and guardian ad litem Deborah S. Olin. Please email
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 17:38:43 -0700>
From:> Subject: Deborah S. Olin>

Hi I'm ……, and I'm a bit blown away by this (Article) on Deborah S. Olin. It
does not surprise me.
Meanwhile all kinds of other Olin family funk that just keeps turning up..The whole family has serious anger/alcohol issues,using people…..yes Narcissism w/ a Cap N!

Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:09:44 -0700 Subject: Deborah S. Olin
She had been married once...and her latest ex/or?
She married a Court Security Guy.
Nice shaved headman named PJ.
He too probably has a story or 2.unless you already found him?Why she never had kids ..not going to question it, but I am concerned about her niece Hannah

Sent: Friday 05/08/09 10:27 PM
Subject: Deborah S. Olin

Can you tell me more about this suit? I've had problems but I need to be careful about any info getting out to her. Thanks.