No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Immoral Judgement by Judge Bruce D. White - Washington Post


Full Story here
Another Immoral Judgment by:
Merciless, Hardhearted Fairfax County Judge Bruce D. White
Drunk Driver Gets 15 Years For Fatal Wrong-Way Crash

The sentence for Alfredo Martinez Rivera, 31, was imposed by FairfaxCircuit Court Judge Bruce D. White and was one of the stiffest penalties imposed in Fairfax for a traffic death in many years,

involuntary manslaughter…. Virginia's voluntary sentencing guidelines recommended a range of three to nine years in prison.


Another Immoral Judgement by Judge Bruce D. White - Washington Post

Article from: The Washington Post
Article date: March 7, 2009
Tom Jackman - Washington Post Staff Writer

Another Immoral Judgment by:
Merciless, Hardhearted Fairfax County Judge Bruce D. White
Drunk Driver Gets 15 Years For Fatal Wrong-Way Crash

The sentence for Alfredo Martinez Rivera, 31, was imposed by Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Bruce D. White and was one of the stiffest penalties imposed in Fairfax for a traffic death in many years,
involuntary manslaughter…. Virginia's voluntary sentencing guidelines recommended a range of three to nine years in prison
. Full Story here.

Wrongly convicted Norfolk man to get $633,000 from Va.

Comes from Virginia lawmakers who ushered legislation through the General Assembly's one-day special session Wednesday.
about $633,000 that legislators agreed to award him in Wednesday's special session in compensation for his wrongful imprisonment.

Judge Sharon Keller is charged with professional misconduct.

Judge Sharon Keller is charged with professional misconduct.

Investigating Judge Keller
New York Times

Sharon Keller, a Texas appellate court judge, made headlines in 2007 when she was reported to have ordered the court clerk’s office to close promptly at 5 p.m., preventing a death-row inmate from filing an emergency appeal. The inmate was executed. A Texas legislator is now trying to impeach Judge Keller for dereliction of duty in that case. A legislative inquiry is long overdue. more............

Also on BBC News

Tuesday, 18 August 2009 07:38 UK

US judge 'ignored death row plea'

Judge Sharon Keller is charged with professional misconduct.