No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Judicial Interviews notice from House of Delegates December 10th, 2010

Mark your Calander We meet up on December 10th, 2010 to confront our Judges who are up to be "re SELECTED" for another term.
Re:Judicial Interviews on Fri., Dec. 10, 2010

Meeting Date: 12/10/2010

Meeting Time: 8:30:00 AM

Meeting Location: House Room C, GAB


List of the Judges who are up for reappointment in this coming year and who will be evaluated during the coming legislative session.

General Assembly BuildingSCHEDULE for 2010 'JUDICIAL INTERVIEWS' OF INCUMBENTS now viewable! Your offending judge just might be up for re-appointment this year! Look for that judge’s name in this list. If you have something to say about the performances of Judges Bonnie Davis, Gerald Daltan and Esther Wiggins-Lyles, please join your sisters in saying it. Sign up with Mary Kate Felch today! Several aggrieved moms are booked to speak already! MEETING INFO AT, scroll down to "12/10/10 8:30 a.m."


Senate Committee for Courts of Justice and the House Judicial Panel
Friday, December 10, 2010., House Room C