No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Confront Your Judge - Vote - Team Up - Go Public

Virginia, Team up for the Rational Justice
To all Mothers abused by Virginia Unjust Judicial System
Lets Team up – Go Public & Bond Close to put an end to this Corrupted Family Court System in Virginia
"For the leverage you need to force the respect you don't get and the fair rulings you are due."
- Confront Your Judge at Judicial Interview Of 2009 – Richmond, VA

- Support in getting on November 2009 ballot, the question of: “The Constitution of Virginia should be amended to change the method of re-appointing state judges from confirmation by the legislature to retention election by the voters.”
- Go Public by sending your Story to be published
For more information please visit "Mommy go bye bye"