No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Injustice in Judicial System
Full story here

I married a man almost 4 years ago that I was sure to be the man of my dreams. 1 year into the marriage I find out that I never really knew who he was. He became mentally and verbally abusive and nothing I ever did was good enough. Going behind me and cleaning even after I had done a fine job of it before. I felt he was OCD. But now, I feel he is a sociopath. I am not a doctor, but I feel like something is wrong with him. We have been going through a nasty divorce since Jan. 9th, 2009. We have nothing of substantial meaning to argue over. No real estate, no money, nothing of monetary value. All we share is our beautiful daughter, McKinley.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Thank you for listening to my story. McKinley is still in his care and I see that her heart breaks to be with her Mommy. Each day I feel she hides a little more of her great personality. WE MUST SAVE McKINLEY!