No Judge who is corrupt, who condones corruption in others, can possibly remains on the Bench.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ferocious Judge Esther Wiggins Lyles - JDR Arlington County

This is more than enough reasonable doubt for legislators to decide that judge  Judge Esther Wiggins Lyles needs to step down.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Last year, before the same legislative panel, veteran attorney Roy Morris blasted then Chief Judge Wiggins Lyles’ handling of a custody case in which she completely terminated a mother’s contact with her five-year-old daughter. “I’ve never seen a worst run court in all my years of [litigation] experience,” Morris told legislators on Dec. 21, 2009. “My client was dragged into the Virginia court even though Virginia didn’t have jurisdiction… Why would a judge have taken a case that they didn’t even have jurisdiction to hear?”

neither of these mothers were ever charged - let alone convicted - of child abuse or neglect. After their children were snatched by Arlington social workers, Judge Wiggins Lyles rubber-stamped their legal kidnapping.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:
On December 10th, 2010 in Richmond, members of the General Assembly’s Courts of Justice Committees will hear public testimony to help them decide whether a group of Virginia judges should be recommended for reappointment to the bench. One of those judges, whose term expires Jan. 31, 2011, is Arlington.
neither of these mothers were ever charged - let alone convicted - of child abuse or neglect. After their children were snatched by Arlington social workers, Judge Wiggins Lyles rubber-stamped their legal kidnapping.

Domestic and Juvenile Relations Court Judge Esther Wiggins Lyles, the same judge who terminated the parental rights of Nancy Hey and Benita Washington despite the fact that

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so very excited to see this.

I have been fighting a terrible battle me and my son in Fairfax Juvenile system. They destroyed a wonderful young man's future. He was the victim of his abusive father who got custody through unethical means with his attorney in another state and then abused our son and had him arrested for assault.

There has been no proper due process. The judge ordered my wonderful son into foster care. I was found guilty only due to association and they believed the lies of the father that I abused Jay when I am a teacher with no history of abuse.

Also my son's history with me for 14 years was one of a successful wonderful young man.

My son has now been terribly abused in foster care and I am made to drive 100 miles on way to see him when he was a wonderful home to be in with his mother. I am so very ill from this.

They have made no efforts but actually have made us drift further apart!

The GAL goes in front of the judge and lies about me and refuses to meet with me at all for the past 2 years. The probation officer did the same.

The GAL says I did abuse my son! incredible and that he is better in jail then with me. I said then meet with me and we can discuss this and he ignored me.

Help, there are so many more that have to go!!!!!!!